Page posted on 1 December 2009

Second Life
Page 4

This picture shows the wedge shaped piece of wood that our picture is attached too.

Avatar Vic (shipmate Vic Brelje) has his picture taken in the Veterans Center Chapel.

Avatar Vic (shipmate Vic Brelje) salutes the new sign and gun mount.

Avatar Henry Borgine (shipmate Dave Brouchoud) also salutes the new sign and gun mount.

A lady who who works at the Veterans Center prepares to attend a dance in Second Life.

The Titanic in Second Life.

USS Helena CA-75
674' 11" long
70' 10" beam
33 knots max speed

The Titanic
882' 9" long
92' beam
23 knots max speed

The Titanic in Second Life. Looking forward from the fantail.

The bow of the Titanic, looking forward.

Looking aft from the bow.

Looking aft from above.

Looking aft from the starboard side.

Titanic's life boats.

Titanic's life boats, starboard side looking aft.

Titanic's Bridge.

Looking aft, on the bridge, at a sign about the builder of the Titinic

One of Titanic's staircases.

Titanic's aft ball room.

One of Titanic's boiler rooms.


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