MM2c, Clifford A. Casey
USS Helena CL-50
USS Potter Page 1

USS Potter DD 538
Click on the picture to visit the USS Potter web pages.

This reunion was in Seattle in 1983 and was the only USS Potter reunion that Casey attended.

Casey's leather pouch measures 3.75" X 6". It contains 2 pocket knives and a sharping stone.

Casey's sewing kit while on the USS Potter.

Casey's sewing kit, inside view.

Casey used this note book to hold some of his photos.
He would write his notes on the back of the photos and then paste them in his notebook.
He covered each page by glueing a piece of paper at the top of his notebook
as to make a flap which he could lift up so as to still be able to view his pictures.

To view Casey's pictures while he was on the USS Potter, click HERE.

Casey Collection

Shipmate Collections

