Web Page

Thank You USS Helena Organization for the Award and Letter that follows.
Dave Brouchoud

We have visited your other website, and it's very impressive!
You've done such a great job of showing your patriotism to your (our) country and honoring those who have served,
and including so much history for all to read!
The pictures are wonderful, and the stories of life at sea are so interesting.
We are happy to offer you our Patriotic Award for sharing a wealth
of information and history and memories with all who visit your website!

Nightowl & Sir Chancelot

9 December 2003

Thanks to Paul D. Henriott CWO, USA, Ret
For the following awards
20 July 2004

Click on either turret award to visit Paul's web page
USS Oakland CL-95

Ancient and Honorable Order of the Turret Captain

To All Who Shall See These Presents,

  The Turret Captain Award - Ship / MilitaryUnit Site 

Is Presented to

 USS Helena CA-75 Website

Webmaster Dave Brouchoud

Attest: For academic value and historic importance.
And: Not everyone will qualify for this AWARD, as my criteria is very strict. Load times, color, content, and easy to navigate your page meets them all. This is the Turret Captain Award for individual websites that are military related.
Therefore:  Attached is the award which you may proudly display on your site.




The Turret Captain's duties were to maintain, instruct, and take charge of the gun turret assigned. They were assigned to Aircraft Carriers, Battleships and Cruisers. Each turret was assigned a Chief Turret Captain or First Class Turret Captain or both. The Turret Captain rate was terminated when Battleships and Cruisers that had turrets were decommissioned and all the gunship Aircraft Carriers had their turrets removed.

Your site has been chosen by the Pottsville, Texas Vol. Fire Department
to receive our Award of Excellence { Gold 2004 }
Click on the award to visit our web site
